Our meeting and event rooms at a glance Room name Lecture hall Large Kurhaus-hall Duesseldorf 1 Duesseldorf 2 Duesseldorf 1+2 Location Kurhaus Ground floor Kurhaus Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor Size 88 m² 308 m² 65 m² 25 m² 90 m² Length, width, height (m) 12,5x7x4 22x14x9,78 7x9,3x2,95 5x5x2,95 12x9,3x2,95 Theatre style 90 400 60 20 80 Parliament style 60 200 25 15 50 U-Format 30 80 20 10 30 Board room 40 90 20 10 35 Bankett / / 45 18 70 Room name Munich 1 Munich 2 Munich 1+2 Location 1st floor 1st floor 1st floor Size 65 m² 25 m² 90 m² Length, width, height (m) 7x9,3x2,95 5x5x2,95 12x9,3x2,95 Theatre style 60 20 80 Parliament style 25 15 50 U-Format 20 10 30 Board room 20 10 35 Banquet 45 18 70 Room name Berlin 1 Berlin 2 Potsdam Hamburg Frankfurt Stuttgart Location 2nd floor 2nd floor 2nd floor 2nd floor 2nd floor 2nd floor Size 75 m² 45 m² 18 m² 25 m² 39 m² 20 ² Length, width, height (m) 13,3x5,7x2,8 7,9x5,7x2,8 4,7x4x2,8 6,4x4x2,8 9,75x4x2,8 5x4x2,8 Theatre style 65 35 15 20 35 15 Parliament style 25 20 / / 20 / U-Format 30 15 / 7 / / Board room 20 15 10 15 20 10 Banquet / / / / / / Car presentation no no no no no no We ask you to fill in the fields marked with *. 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