Rooms Offers
09288 72 0

Lecture hall in the Kurhaus

This meeting room is located on the ground floor of the Kurhaus, an adjoining building (20m from the hotel) located in the Kurpark. The room is bright and friendly, fully air-conditioned and with its location in the Kurpark very quiet. The lecture hall must be booked via us.

The main facts:

  • Size: 88 sqm
  • Height: 4,00 m
  • Length and width: 12,50 m  x 7,00 m
  • Room hire from € 150.00 per day
  • Up to max 90 people
  • Large window allowing great daylight (full blackout facilities)
  • W-lan (every room has own network)
  • U-Format (30) l Board room (40 people) l Parliament style (60 people) l Theatre style (90 people) l Banquet (n/a)

Existing meeting and events equipment: LCD projector, flip chart, white board, presentation case - if you wish additional equipment, you can book these at any time.